Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Easter, newborn animals

Look at all these cute little chocolate bunnies. What a sweet sweet image--and not just because of the sugar in them.

Under that non-recyclable gold foil, these bunnies are made of milk chocolate. The milk is obtained from poor innocent cows kept in dark stalls or on ghastly milking carousels all their lives -- pumped and repumped of their milk throughout the day by cold metallic "lips." Artificially inseminated (ouch) to keep them pregnant, birthing, and lactating even after their little calves are ripped, howling, away from their mothers soon after birth.

Those poor benighted creatures provide the milk to make the milk chocolate bunnies that are oh-so-cute, and which help us to ring in the season of Easter - Oestre - Spring........ the season of newborn lambkins and newborn calves. Little lambykins that we imitate for our children with plush toys for Easter baskets, their mammalian counterparts who are destined to  sit on a platter with mint sauce. And sweet almond eyed calves who will be sent off to live a life of unadulterated torture to become plated veal.

Happy Easter newborn animals.


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